South County Youth Athletics

Softball Fall 2024


Softball Fall 2024


Softball is back in South County!!


Fall 2024 Senior Softball

We will only be fielding a Senior team this fall for girls with a 2007-2012 birth year. We hope to continue to grow our divisions to include all league ages over the next year. 

Senior Softball:  Open to all participants league age 11-16. $70 plus a uniform fee if necessary. Teams will have a maximum of 14 players. 

Games:  Fall games will be held on Saturdays with an occasional weeknight game, September through November 2024. We will continue to inter-league with Northern Calvert Little League District 7. The majority of the games will be held in northern Calvert County. 

Practices:  Practices will be held one night a week and likely at Southern High School. Practices should begin mid to late August. 

Uniforms:   We will use the same uniforms from the Spring 2024 season. You will only need to order a uniform jersey if your daughter did not play this spring. Black pants and gold socks will be required and can be purchased from any athletic retailer. 

Volunteers Needed!!!

Anne Arundel County requirement that any individual involved with children complete a background check to insure their safety.  Because of this policy, anyone who wants to help out at practice must comply.  This must be completed by all coaches and assistant coaches. Once on this website, you can also check to see the status of yours, to ensure it doesn’t expire this year. Here is the website for more details and instructions on completing one.


Chris Knapp


Michelle Brumley

Associate Commissioner